What is a Diamond Certification?

Diamonds are natural stones, and each diamond comes with unique internal and external characteristics. In addition to its size and colour, birthmarks inside the diamond also determine its features. The value of a diamond is based on the combination of these qualities.

The four essential characteristics used to classify a diamond are the “4Cs of diamond”: Colour, Clarity, Cut and Carat. These characteristics are evaluated by diamond professionals and often documented in detail. This document is called a grading report or diamond certificate. Diamond certificates are important as they show the diamond’s quality and value in your jewellery.

Golden Line Jeweller’s Certified Diamonds

All GL diamonds are carefully selected from fully credible diamond suppliers. GL certified diamonds are in very good condition and very good cut. Golden Line Jewellers provides both GIA and GL certified diamonds.

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The 4Cs of Diamond


The unit of weight for measuring a diamond is carat (ct). One carat is one-fifth of a gram (0.2 g), and for diamonds, it weighs 100 points.

Diamond Cut
Diamond Stone Clarity
Diamond Clarity
Diamond Colour